I get my camera card and K told me that she had taken some photos...the best was of mom sleeping with her mask on (she has sleep apnea) and a PACKER hat on her head..if I post it here I am starting a whole thing with our blogs and her posting icky pics of me..but don't worry - I'll scrap it soon ;) So I have to say it's all Bonni's fault..she has gotten the kids started on this crazy face...which the kids do NOT know what she says when she does this..
but it's their rocker face. Even Anna will do it! Kevin is now picking it up and I hear Dodohead all the time :) Not to mention serious requests for cheetos and pepsis in the am. I wonder who, oh who could have taught them that BONNI :) So on NYE I was in bed...I would have *still* been asleep had my darling brother Tom and his gf Nicole hadn't called me..thanks guys...they wanted to tell me that the party we were supposed to go to w/them (they lost me after I realized there were no CHAIRS) was lame and we were lucky and saved ourselves $85 a ticket LOL I found out later that while it was free alcohol (and I don't even drink really) it was a 2 hour wait in line or some such thing to even get any drinks...that sounds like fun- NOT. I guess I truly am a homebody. :) I went to bed with Anna at about 9pm and stayed there...whoo hoo happy new year ;)
But look at those three...(and Anna who isn't pictured) they are all mine...I am not sure if you are feeling sorry for me or saying how lucky I am. I think I am pretty lucky....my number one thing on my list of traits of who I wanted to marry when I was 15? Was HUMOR and believe me....we've got it in spades in this house. Thanks guys for making the last 12 years the best of my life and always for being there with some kind of humorous response..they've taught me to not take myself or life too seriously and to always laugh. Love that blue tongue babe...gotta wonder what in the WORLD he was eating :) LOL May I also stop and tell you all that the first time he got this hat at a game (his defense was that it was cold or something and he needed it for protection against frost bite :snort:) he came in that night while I was sleeping and jumped out at me...he wasn't so funny that night! LOL
But the image of him GROOMING the hat and combing it on NYE Morning was just plain hilarious. Gotta love them all!