
The cutest surprise

Jill sent me my BEAUTIFUL purse...omg it's just adorable....I'm using it as a camera bag.....and then inside she had put this beautiful little one for Anna..which got lots of compliments when we were walking through the airport!
I was able to scrap...miracle of miracle on my MUCH needed recharge to see my bestest bud..Bonni. We had a blast and she scrapped a record 2 pages while I was there :) It was Anna's first flight and I had to lug all of our stuff to of course - gate C28 or some such thing...I almost died laughing when I realized that she would not use the people walker or the escalator. After a few flights of stairs this should-be ditz figured out..ELEVATOR. But the people walker...well we just walked alongside of it. Looking at it from Anna's POV I can see why she'd want to skip it kwim? Neon rainbow lights and then a voice saying: Keep Walking.....over and over. She was SUCH a trooper...a great traveler and a good buddy...it was so nice to have her to myself for a long period of time and really great that I could give her that one on one attention! More from me later..dinner is done and we are in an exercise regime here so I have to do the treadmill..hard time :) I will say that I've been feeling great since we've started this new eating and exercising and it's not as hard as I would think...so hopefully those pounds start dropping off. More pics and layouts later!

I'll leave you with ONE layout...it's much brighter in person- the new lens right out of my camera and me messing around in our backyard...love the photo and love this kit- High Society about to be released to the general public at Scrap Addict!

I'll include the original photo in all it's glory too since this scanner of mine screws up all things :) See how much brighter it truly is on the layout? Or rather what it should look like? Can I say I am LOVIN' my new camera and Cari and her photography class.....remind me to give y'all the blog address...she's amazing..and I am not just saying that cause she wants to photograph the kids again ;) I took that pic and others like it in AV mode..me in something other than auto - AMAZING. Ok gotta fly. Sorry...life is kinda like this lately......bbl


Miss you woman

we had a great time...we didn't even get arrested...Anna was a dream on this trip and it showed me I can and WILL do this again sometime soon. I was so burnt out and needed to see my best friend...it was a rough deployment for her with Chris gone for his third time.....it was just good to get away and regroup.

In the past 6 months things have changed so much at the store..both online and locally. I am lovin' the changes online...what at first seemed to be insurmountable ended up being so good for Anita and myself...Anita...she's such an easy going person...we get everything done..on time and nicely- no drama..and that's important...it's important to realize that there are ppl who have drama and love to give it and will ALWAYS put their own interests first..I'm glad I didn't listen to the griping...esp since she's been my friend for geez 13 years....!!!? Anita..we are officially gettin' up there ;) I'll bring the walkers.

Anyway change is bound to happen and I am feeling my way in this retail business and learning SO much....I'm grateful for the opportunity.

Back to my trip...I had to bribe the kids to let me take photos although when I was having them jump over me sitting on the ground they thought that was high fun. And I crawled through a playground for these shots...Love Bon's kids..they are such good kids..yes even stinker Hannah Banana when avoiding Anna Banana :) I am so glad they got their Rock Band..so I can sing with them when we see them next ;)

I took a ton of pics..these are only a few surprisingly!



who knew I'd love this place so much? I'm addicted and I am dragging my employees into it too :) I've bought quite a few purses lately and all seem to be from ONE person. So I thought I'd give her a plug..I'd like to think we are becoming friends since I only talk to her every few weeks lately. If you are so inclined and want beautiful purses like mine..go check her out and mention I sent you. She does custom work too which I love. I bought my first purse after being side tracked from my original purpose..which was a camera strap from Emily Falconbridge....too funny that story....and thanks to Sandra for originally hooking me onto Etsy and letting me peek at all her faves.....so I found Jill and then bought a purse in a lovely Amy Butler fabric...YUM...got that one and asked for a camera bag..then when I was showing CherylW the bags she got me to order a 3rd one with more padding for my camera..and now it will be traveling in style ;)

I'll share that bag once I get it...but let me try and find images of the other bags....
ok if you want to order any...go here:
Jillyd Bags

Love her!!!


Do I update here?

not often enough. A friend just asked me if I do a lot and I said yes and then realized sadly- no I don't :)

So I will upload some photos from xmas. We had such a calm, great day. The tree is still up staring me in the face but Mom promised to help me dismantle BOTH of them today.

We are still waiting on our basement to be done but the movers move Mom and Riss in this friday. We've had my gram staying with me too while she recovers from leg pain so we've had quite the full house! Not forgetting that we are also dog sitting Tom's dog Cassidy. :)

Kev got me this awesome new lens for xmas- an F1.4 50mm lens...it takes such CRISP clear photos but I'm still learning. I'll upload some of my faves with it....keeping in mind I am a novice and unless Cari starts offering PRIVATE lessons for me I may *never* improve.

The weather here has been so odd that I am never sure whether to put on shorts or a sweater. Today it's stormy rain and 50 degrees...last week it was an ice storm. See what I mean?

only a few short days until Miss Anna and I leave for a wonderful break....we head out on a plane to visit Aunt Bonni. I am not packed yet but hope to do that tomorrow....ok nothing great to really say :)

The picture of Kev was taken in front of the window...well all were..I love that this lens will "blow" out the background. Of course I'm shooting in AV mode and um realized that shooting in the snow on a high ISO means a totally white photo ;)

Ok I am in NO mood to futz with the setup of this..so enjoy! :)