I thought today...Wed..Anna would to go visit Rissi..I'd get my few orders cleared off the desk..do the Post office and head home and SCRAP...well the best laid plans right? Monday Kev was sick with the stomach flu...I was determined to NOT get it. Yesterday Anna wakes up w/a fever...turns out she was probably our first sick one...Katie comes home sick after school...Mikey follows..I'm fine...hahaha...until about dinnertime when I get super nauseous and then get sick. Fun! NOT...three kids home..kev is well enough to go back to work and Anna is healthy enough to be a PITA...and I am sitting here miserable. I am going to try and scrap later...working on laundry now and just sitting and staring ;)
Never a dull moment...of course we have play tickets friday..we got the subscription series for Broadway in Chicago - but alas haven't been to one play yet. They have changed every date and it's been a disaster. What was supposed to be Me, Mom, Riss and Pat has turned into 4 other tickets for Pat's friends and no one is ever available at the same time. We had to forgo the tickets the first play cause Mikey was at the ER for his foot. Now I'm sick. I better feel better...I want an ADULT dinner :)
The past week in review: Katie's concert was fast but nice...she really has stage presence...um with me and her Nana as her relatives is it any wonder? (for those that don't know..placed 2nd in state solo competition in hs/have had professional singing lessons/mom and i have been in tons of plays..and musicals- it's in the blood ;) Even Mikey who has to attend with Katie each week was singing along to all the songs...I know his future too!
Other than that and cleaning the basement..nothing much.
Sorry I've ignored the blog for a few days...maybe I'll upload a sneaky again later :)
I sure hope you all feel better soon - that is no fun having a whole house of sickies!
You do need an adult dinner...with the girls and margaritas. Maybe a table dancing guy. What do you say? ;)
Get better soon. It's been a week and I still feel like crap. I refuse to see the doctor, though.
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