
Has it been that? long????!

I mean long enough that your friends and family email you and tell you- um update the blog dangit LOL I've been busy ok? I mean truly busy....July was jam packed with one thing or another! Then we caught our breath in August and I swear it's almost over!!!!!

I'll try and upload some photos of the things we've been doing. Just wrote this whole thing about adopting and decided to erase it...when I have something to say I'll say it enough said!

Ok so what have we been up to? Well Kev's mom got out of the nursing home- YAY to her..months ahead of schedule and she's walking with a walker! So we saw them in the beginning of August..and then we went to the Tall Ship Festival..what a wonderful day. I'd advise skipping eating on Navy Pier- rip off city....but the festival was so nice...and then the kids literally played for 3 hours in a fountain in a free park right in front of Navy Pier..they loved it!!!!!
Ok so I am remembering why I didn't update..I was doing this before and the dang thing would not load my images! So it's happening again..will try one more time!!!!!
Hmm still not working..not sure what I am doing wrong....one more chance and then forgetaboutit!


Laura said...

Well, well, well! Looky who updated her blog! LOL Sorry you can't get those darn pics to load though!
I love that fountain by Navy Pier. It always looks so fun! I'm glad you are having some fun and not working all the time!

Anonymous said...

Well, now I want to know what you were going to say about adopting! Hurry up and get something to say!

Isn't it fun to watch your kids play for hours in a free fountain? I love that kind of thing!

Thanks for updating, I check your blog often!

While I'm at it, got my Sept. Scrap Addict Kits and I love them as usual!