
Playgroup fun

We are finally getting our act together to actually be at a playgroup..we belong to two groups now for parents who adopted internationally...and we've made it to all of one playgroup outing..our Chinese New Year's Party in Feb I think? That's a bad, bad track record right?

Well I found a unique way to make sure you attend at least one more outing- HOST it ;) Here you can see Anna being oh-so-sweet to push one of her little friends on a swing....what you do NOT see is that for some reason Anna dislikes the younger kids and babies and walks around being mean to this innocent angel. Yep my kid a bully..great...she got a timeout at playgroup. I am so glad we aren't adopting again..how to explain that the baby that you are terrified of is now your sister? LOL She's literally terrified of our neighbor's baby.....what is the deal ? She's also afraid of trees and bushes...our future trip to the aboretum should be a blast

Seriously we had a ton of kids here and after the house looked like toys threw up all over but it was FUN...I can't wait til our next outing!

Oh and we took the kids to the zoo...we have a membership....it's great fun! We are going to renew too...but here they are with Katie's best friend after jumping onto the polar bear :)

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