
Happy Fake Birthday to ME

Yep today is my BIG day. My fake birthday. Kevin refuses to acknowledge it..says that it doesn't exist except in my mind..hello it's MY bday of course it exists...

So my birth certificate was miraculously changed when I was young because I missed the cutoff by 4 days (Dec 5th - the actual day of my appearance) to the 1st...for years I thought it was the 5th - which it is but then had to bring my b.c. into school for some stupid project and was "really" annoyed that it said the 1st....and from that day on celebrated with my friends on the FIRST..and they coined it my FAKE Birthday. Hey double the presents and double the cake..what's not to love as my friend Carole told me ;)

Since no one else cares about this day it's back to the cooking and cleaning for me! I did spend a lot of time today scrapping. I LOVE my new desk..right next to my dining room windows..so bright and cheery. The dumb letters fell off and ruined a picture...go figure they'll stick to a photo but not to the dang wall! So those are down now..but it's still my room. I got my "friends" canvas that Bonnaroo and I both have and my beloved ipod above it and I can *almost* drown out the kids in the next room playing video games I'm gonna load you down with photos now that it's working again ;) I fully expect it to break once more!

See how nice it looks with all my ribbons and flowers stacked? And those iris carts from the Container Store rock! They are drawers but when you pull them out each "drawer" is a case that is totally lockable and closed. YAY And they are deep and 12x12! The whole system is from The Container Store and it's their Elfa system. I highly recommend it. One more for this entry of Anna at her new desk.....she tells me all the time now...Scrapping makes me happy Mama, me too baby, me too!!!!!

Ok so it's broken..I'll do anna's desk later maybe..stupid blogger!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy fake birthday. At first I was mad that your dh would ignore the whole day, but now I get it. Who wouldn't want 2 birthdays, though? You know if he had that story he'd milk it for all it's worth, huh?

Love your desk, and glad I don't need to go buy the cool wall letters. I dont' need to ruin any pictures right now.