
Meghan's Quiz

I saw this on her blog and just so she knows I read it....I'm gonna answer it! Idea is to answer it in one word answers Yeah right I didn't ;)

1. Yourself? larger than life ;)
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend? married
3. Your hair? CURLY
4. Your mother? Nana
5. Your father? dead
6. Your favorite thing? scrapbooking/family
7. Your dream last night? vivid
8. Your favorite drink? lemonade
9.Your dream car? mine (clean ;)
10. The room you're in right now? family
11. Your fear? death? Spiders?
12. What you want to be in 10 years? alive
13. Muffins? Blueberry
14. Who you hung out with last night? Kev
15. What you're not? dishonest
16. Time? almost 8pm
17. What you're wearing? Pjs
18. Your favorite weather? Fall
19. Your favorite book? romance
20. Last thing you ate? sundae
21. Your worst vice? food
22. Your best friend is? bonni
23. What you're thinking about right now? pain (anna is brushing my hair!)
24. Your car? dirty
25. Your life? busy


Meghan said...

Hey! you did my quiz.
You so rock sista!

Emma said...

Interesting quiz and answers.
Take a breath from inventory and
tag you're it!

Carolyn F said...

Time for an update... TAG!!! (Go see my latest post!)