
Look Ma,

This phrase always worries me...but it's one that AG uttered the other day to me...come and look Ma...she was SO proud of herself....turns out that she can actually PUMP her legs on the swing. :) I was able to get some cute action shots of her (notice I don't post the blurry ones in between). Did I mention I love my camera? I do! Even if the flash doesn't pop up on it's own and even if the external flash never worked on my camera ;) I was worried so much about the kids with opening the LSS but I needn't have worried. First I am blessed with the *best* employees around. They work for me when I am sick (Thanks Marge!) and come in so I can get the baby to school (Thanks Joy!). I couldn't survive without them all to help me succeed (Thanks Cheryl, Julie, Karle, Beska and Elizabeth). This doesn't even include our great dt (local and online) and everyone else! Back to Anna....she has been coming out of her shell more with people..not kids...which worries me...she still clams up with them but has started talking to adults in our store!!!! She will walk around with them and bend over to look at product with them---giving her opinion, etc. It's cute to watch. But she also has a boyfriend now. Poor Sandy has lost her husband Mark to Anna. Who thinks she's marrying him someday but then realized that Sandy is already his wife...does that explain the death glares Sandy gets from her?

I'm not sure who is more in love either. Now I can't even email Sandy about anything without mentioning Anna for Mark..and when they last met...they ran across the store like they hadn't seen each other in ages....had fun playing in the kid area and I don't mean to alarm ya Sandy but when we left he was STILL in there playing :) Thanks Mark for helping my shy kid break out of her shell a bit!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad to share Mark! He just loves playing with Anna--especially since he is such a kid--I mean---kid at heart!