
Introducing Darwin

Yep it's true..we've added a new member to our family- another male to try and even things out--although we are at 5 females and now 3 males.

The newest member is so dang cute it makes my teeth hurt.

He's 4 mos old and is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel! His birthday is Jan 7th.

Trying to take a picture of my puppy with him moving- now that's talent ;)

If you are in the market for a pet and you live near Bridgeview- I HIGHLY recommend Odd Lot Pet Store. My cousin Dan owns it and was so helpful in our choosing. He is reasonably priced too! He's on Harlem and 79th street behind the Haunted Trails!

So far this puppy has pooped and peed ONLY in the house. Oy vey. And he's noxious :)

The kids are in love and so are we!
We actually went in for a Beagle...little did we know that this little face would appeal.


Bonni said...

awwwwwwwwe, he's TOOOOOO cute :)

Loreluca said...

He's sooo CUTE!!! Can't wait to be at the store one day when you bring him in. Adorable little face!

Unknown said...

What a cute dog!! My friend had on of those too. I loved him. A great dog, great with kids and people. Good luck with the newest member of your family.
I have sent you a few emails, are you getting them?

helen davis said...

oh no you didn't, what a cute puppy! Yes, and you do need to update this blog more often for those of us who do check it every now and then!!!

Joy Hollingshaus said...

Hi Fee! I like your blog. (Some really great picts.) Thanks again for the fun party last night. --Joy