
Instant Karma

Yep it's true..karma is out there..now whether you choose to believe it's good or bad...isn't it truly all in how you look at it?

I did this layout about instant Karma with my kids.....the journaling is all about how ppl might think one door is closing in my life but in reality it is SO a window opening. I'm a glass is half full kinda girl. Now you tell me: I've got my health....I'm down 55 lbs and still losing, I'm looking better than I ever have, we have riches untold in family and love and life and we are able to take great vacations and I am blessed with being able to go back to school full time for a 2nd degree (pharmacy) to become a pharmacist. I'm still scrapping but I've gotten rid of all the drama and stress and nastiness....if this is karma may I have it always in this much abundance! :)

For those not in the "know" or living under a rock...we closed our local store this past weekend. It was a hard decision but not as hard knowing we weren't making any money there and that the market is dead lately. We were truly lucky to get out when we did. Whether or not the kit company keeps going is still up in the air because my other big news? I'm back in school full time. I took a long look at my life and I want the career and the salary and the lifestyle where I can see my kids..where my phone isn't ringing every 2 min, etc

Kev and I talked and he said if you went back to school would it be for admin? (My BA is in elementary education) and I said seriously if I went back I'd go to be a pharmacist...full on. It's 2 years of prereq's...math/science heavy and then if I get accepted (there are 4 local colleges that offer pharmacy colleges)- 4 more years. So that's what I am doing. And going back after 14 years is not nearly as hard as I imagined and I am working harder for it and actually getting it!

We still anticipate having our message boards/gallery (I can't get rid of the girls there anyway ;) Even if we have a different name for our site. We will keep everyone posted as things move along here but don't worry about me girls.....I so appreciate all the loyalty and support I've gotten from my true SA friends over the years and the rest of it simply does not matter. Don't sweat the small stuff right? And the rest is ALL small stuff.

Hang in there and enjoy summer. I've got to do some more posting - lots of good stuff to put out there..pics of Mikey and summer......but I have to leave to study for class!!!!


Laura said...

Wow you've made some tough decisions lately but I can hear the gusto behind it all and that's great! Lots of changes but they sound like very positive things for you and your family. We're behind you all the way Fee!!! Go Get 'Em!!!!

Sandra a.k.a. scrapfreak1 said...

GOOD KARMA is GREAT.... you know it when you are open to it... and girl you have found it...its nice to have a career and it's nice to have a JOB... but a career is more steady... Good for you for finding this out now instead of later.. i am proud of you for giving it a go in your brick and mortar... no one can take that away from you it was a journey and you road it until you hit the unpaved roads... now its time to pave it again for some solid ground... my best wishes for you and your family and new found career...

Mary K said...

Can I just say...woohoo! Congrats on everything :O)

Loreluca said...

Oh, man! I know that you have to do what you have to do,,, but dang, I miss you all!!!!