
Lay off the 'hos Daddy

Yes words I never thought would be spoken....as I was dressing Anna for school I noticed she had grown and those jeans were just a wee bit tight..so as I was loosening them up I told her jokingly (what kind of Mom do you think I am....) "Lay off the ho ho's anna" Who started laughing hysterically and ran to tell Daddy...but you know those telephone games of yore? Well it went something like this...

Anna running to Daddy in office...

A: Daddy, daddy.....lay off those 'hos.

K: What?

F: Laughing too hard to answer and holding myself up in the doorway...tears streaming down my face

K: Did she just say what I thought she said...???!

F: Wait wait...she meant..lay off the HO HO's.

K: Well Anna honey I like my 'hos.

A: Lay off the hos dad, lay off the hos...

F: This might not have been such a great idea (as visions of preschool carpet time float through my head.

This is the kid who looked at me the other day pointing out our tonic water (flat as can be btw- to which my good friend Luce would be horrified ;) And said: This is for Daddy- he's a drunk....and me quickly saying...no honey- he drinks..he's not a drunk....and anna saying..that's what I said mommy. Oh boy! :) I tried to explain he has a drink once in a while but she's sure she's saying it right!


Carolyn F said...


Anita said...

Oh. My. God. I am laughing so hard I'm going to wake up my sleeping family. I can't wait until she repeats that in church!!!!