
it's a start


Omgoodness I think this is hilarious.

I'm gonna fix it but later...at least I know I can edit HTML- sort of ;)


Banner gone

That is one of my changes....doesn't matter to me that I don't have one yet..I'd rather have NOTHING at all than something that I didnt' do myself. :)

So I am learning..but that is not the change I was speaking of....


I did it...

and I am so proud....now see if you can figure out WHAT I did ;) It's here somewhere

and I also survived Oct...and anniversary of my dad's death. I am so glad. Now I am off to the doctor with one sick child...an mri for another tomorrow and oh yeah..get that subscription out for the customers. No stress..I've been up since SIX to do it all ;)

Catch ya later.