
Soggy cereal and other ramblings

I told you I was inane :) I was able to sweet talk the new papers from American Crafts...well I traded it for a pizza...you all KNOW you would too if you had the chance ;) I am really bummed that I can't go to Vegas..almost contemplated getting a ticket at this late stage. Next year I'll probably do two shows..but for now this works.

So Lance met with me and we placed our order and it will be shipping while all the other folk are just getting to the show. Make SURE to check out the rubons..they rock. I loved them....the serif type font..everything. And they are in matchbooks and each strip is sliced so it's easy to use!

Here's a layout I did with their stuff!!! Love it..from the Bookshelf line ...look for this in an upcoming kit for sure! Of course it helps to have the cutest kid possible right? People ask if she takes a bad picture and the funny thing is that YES she does but people love those too! LOL I always take pics of her crying and pouting or throwing a fit.

Life has been busy so I've been neglectful of my blog. It's a no-win situation..we were ahead at ScrapAddict for all of one week maybe. :) Subscription is out for Feb though..thank goodness and I have to mail international pkgs tomorrow. So I've come to realize that when that is all going on - nothing much is going on here. :) And YES it's true..my dang tree is still up....I actually have two trees...I think about taking it down and then I forget. It's making Mom nuts. I think it will come down eventually. Maybe.

I've threatened Bonni that she can help me in July when her family comes to visit for a week. YAY we are going to have so much fun. It will be so nice to just kick back here. And finally my goal is to head to China again with the whole FAMILY in a few years- no not to adopt but we will probably buy out the place. And also next year if we are lucky- Cabo Wabo baby. I saw pics of the place and now am thinking..why have I been saying NO so much. LOL Yes honey, yes...I'll go..it's BEE YOU TI FUL :)

More sneak peeks later from me if I get any scrapping time in around laundry!

Oh and an image for you all! Of mom with the stroller....


Ok so I was in a roundabout way tagged...I hate when they sneak that in..anyone who hasn't done it (ahem Carolyn F) consider yourself tagged..because then I feel guilty if I don't do it... LOL So here goes:

4 Jobs You Have Had in Your Life:

banquet waitress, long john silvers, bank- office, proof dept and customer service, scrapaddict.com ;) being a mom too!

4 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over:
Actually I don't tend to watch movies over and over..but I love Galaxy Quest, Adam Sandler ones, Austin Powers.

4 Places You Have Lived:
Chicago, Bridgeview, Port Hueneme, Ca, Park Ridge, Lisle, Buffalo Grove, Lake Zurich and Pleasanton, Ca(loved it there)

4 TV Shows You Love to Watch:
hmm what's pvr'd? Lots of home improvement shows...Starting Over (thanks Carrie), Project Runway, Rock Star INXS (over now), Apprentice, Grey's Anatomy, Lost once in a while.

4 Places You Have Been on Vacation:I've been to a lot of places actually with the timeshare...myrtle beach, canada, hawaii, florida (all the time), indiana, missouri, cincinnati, california, china

4 Websites You Visit Daily:
ScrapAddict - the gallery, the forum and the admin area :) And the blogs of my friends.

4 of Your Favorite Foods:

4 Places You Would Rather Be Right Now:
Mexico or anywhere warm
CHA WINTER (wah wah wah)

4 Bloggers You are Tagging:
-TheNANA- Mom simply highlight and copy mine into your blog by ctrl c-ing it and then pasting it like word into the blog post once you get in there and delete out my answers and post yours ;)


I know

It's been a long time right? :) I have some sneak peeks and other goodies but for now will upload two recent pics of the little one :)

Life w/her is NEVER dull!


Just a Quickie from me

Before I head to bed :) We have had a BEAUTIFUL weekend so far. Got my kits mainly packed on Fri...we are packing March now. :) Got the orders packed and mostly ready to ship. My wonderful, adorable dh made omlettes...yum a specialty of his..wowee was it good. One bad thing..he has this insane habit of asking me for things every two seconds so I spend most of my time saying it's here or there or did you want me to do it instead. LOL

After we ate Kev said he wanted to do something fun so we decided the ZOO :) We have a membership there and going twice with a family of 5 pays for it. It was one of the first sunny days we've had. So it was brisk (30- still a major high in our midwestern state) and some of us were NOT dressed warm enough (think 10 yr old :) But it was FUN! We saw monkeys and alligators and walked through a few buildings. Then we decided we were hungry and hit Omega..YUM YUM YUM.

The kids behaved like angels..we had saganaki- love that flaming cheese and had fun hanging with Mom and Riss..just a picture perfect day. Kev drove me to GapKids in downtown Naperville without BEEPING the horn every two seconds and voila..perfection and bliss :)

I was trying to figure my camera out..I wanted to try setting the f-stop thingy differently..forget it. I did manage to find raw mode but it made the photo blurry. And I did figure out ISO sort of in a roundabout accidental way. SIGH I have GOT to learn better photography with this camera. I just know I am missing the boat so to speak. So I took tons of shots and will upload some this weekend.

We have a bday party for a close friend tomorrow and will meet their new daughter for the first time. They just got back from China in December! And then on Monday I *think* that we'll do the Children's museum unless I can convince mom to just scrap here. WHEE

just a nice fun weekend....ah bliss!


The faces behind ScrapAddict

so I can't pay employees but I adore the two who work for me...Monica and Carrie...I mean seriously...they aren't around as much because they are ALWAYS behind the scenes doing about 10 million things to make sure our store runs smoothly...so share the love girls with our two technogirlwonders please I adore them and they make my life so, so much easier!

Just me

Yep it's all about me baby...or at least it seems that way as I get older. I've done and done for others so much in my life that as I get older I seem to be more stingy with my time and not bashful about taking ME time. It's something we've all gotta do folks!

Case in point...a neighbor came over last week and asked me to watch her son. Keep in mind that this same neighbor when they moved in had me watch him one day and then asked me to watch him after school one day..when I said sure it turned into a M-Thurs gig. I said I didn't know and then w/the holidays it never came up. I thought it was an imposition to do it from 4pm - 6pm ok...so this past week I was told how she has this huge dilemma...her SIL is moving out of state and she needs someone for her son asap. Turns out this would be til 10pm at night..from 4-10 EVERY night. Um no. So I said straight up there isn't an amt you could pay me (which btw she said her dh said to ask if I'd charge..um HELLO)...and I was SO proud of myself because in the past I'd be cursing and moaning that I got roped in.

Anyway it's ME time - I only get one life and intend to live it the way that *I* want. And I am so over having to be friendly to all the neighbors....just put me on a float in my POOL with a drink and my kids splashing and that's a pretty damn good day. Add Kevin in early from work fanning me with a banana leaf and feeding me bon bons and it'd be perfect ;)

Have a good one and take time for YOU...don't feel bad....we all need a little time for ourselves!!!!!

10 years long :)

It's amazing to me how long Anita and I have been friends. What's even more amazing is that she joined my message board at ScrapAddict without even *telling* me and I am mortified to admit it took me months to realize who she was. I didn't get midmomama at all. :) I'm a little slow I guess right?

So anyway we had this Diva contest a year ago or so and I figured it'd be a hit..needless to say we did away with it because of all the hurt feelings, etc. But Anita entered this contest. By this time I knew who she was on my boards but while some might think or say she got the position because of KNOWING me for 10 long years...that was so far from the truth. Because I never told her but I was prepared to be even more picky with her entry. Then her entry starting coming in and I noticed. And when it came time to pick a Diva I knew without a doubt that she couldn't be one...there was only one spot for her on the team and that was on the actual Design team.

I've known her for 10 yrs and never knew she had this kind of talent. And her work just keeps getting better and better. I've learned so much more about her in the last year or so than in all the 10 years we've known each other.

I met her when Katie was only 6 weeks old. She's going to be 11 in May. Ouch that makes me feel old. But Anita has *always* been there for me...I'm glad she's sharing the "real" her with me too...and wow her work is inspiring. And her life is interesting and she always makes me laugh.

Thanks Anita for 10 great years...it's great sharing Mom with you...you get her when she's old though ok????

I can't believe that your Katy is wanting to date! I am so lucky that I have you around to help me learn to say Because I said so! :)

For our greedy sneak peek crazed girls another look at our Tainted Love kit :) Coming in a week or so...ooh maybe it's time to release more layouts Bwhahaha


It's my favorite mistake....

LOL ok that's NOT true...but we picked this kit up as a late contender. I was torn between this and the company's blue line. But picked this one. OMG the dt has been rocking it. And I know it's a hit because they've been buying up the extras and it's an SDJ that might not even MAKE it into the public sale arena!

So here's a quick sneaky...I might have to remove it later but I *had* to prove to Catherine I did her ad challenge. Girls and guys and scrappers...if you are looking to be motivated - we have it all..sketches, journaling ideas, challenges galore...I can't believe how freaking creative these girls are. And it's all there for you waiting...so my challenge to my customers is to break open that kit that you've been wanting to try and DO it! Make sure to upload them so I can see too!

This is called contemplation. I have hidden journaling that asks what my little peanut was thinking. She had been taking tons of photos smiling and then lapsed into that. :) Probably sick of mommy taking photos. BTW..as an aside..this kid has her "own" fisher price camera (real 35mm one for kids) and she puts it on her neck (like mommy) and says...ok move over by the tree...a little that way..just a second..perfect..let me take your picture. OMG who do you think says all that all the time???! LOL ME. Little mimic!

Ok ok I know you are like...get to the good stuff already right? I have a ton more of her in these poses so expect more layouts and I've used only ONE yummy sheet of this SDJ so far..amazing..it's not even broken into yet. And Karen has done beach layouts, xmas layouts and so on..so it's VERY versatile...am I killing you yet? SNORT

OK ....off to scrap some more!


But of course

What scrapbook company should you design for...?

KI MEMORIES DESIGN TEAM!Innovated and inspiring...two words that best describe your scrapbooking style. You are always growing and evolving to the next level with your pages and it shows with each and every layout you create.
Take this http://www.quizilla.com/redirect.php?statsid=20&url=http://www.quizilla.com/makeaquiz.php">Make A Quiz More Quizzes Grab Code

Well duh I say...I love their stuff..wasn't too happy with the # of patterned papers question because I use always 3 and sometimes 4 - but never 5 :)

So there ya have it! Now if I could only get time to SCRAPBOOK I did about geez...5 or 6 layouts so far this year and I've moved a lot of my crap onto the kitchen table (as Kev points out daily) but I like it there and am doing more there. Just ordered a Cropper Hopper cart on wheels to help keep it movable better. The sheer amt of goodies I have! :) I am trying to get to the table to do some layouts so I can give some more sneak peeks. If not I will just have to sneak one of the girls' awesome layouts. :) Start bugging them and I'll allow ONE sneaker ;)

I've been in a black mood..which isn't helped when my best friend answers her phone snarling at me ;0) I thought about hanging up but knew she has caller id and she'd have phoned me back..so I did the *right* thing and let her bitch and moan. I'd be snarling too after she gave me an earful. Poor sweetie. But I did tell her to start packing sooner and nagged her to death (but what good does I told ya so do? LOL) She'll be hitting me for that one for SURE.

I need to pull out my camera more..I feel like I am so behind and then I slow down on photo taking...gonna get it up online soon. The kids are running circles in my family room making me CRAZED right now. No one listens to me at all. Well those voices in my head answer me sometimes ;)

Ok so I have nothing to say - it's official. I got the parts ordered I needed for the kits....Anita has been teasing our board members with our beautiful upcoming feb or march kit...yum that I named Moulin Rouge...hmm what could it be? or would K be more appropriate? Hmm another hint for you devious women.

I'll post another layout here soon..I did finish a few that I can't share right now but hope to soon and the best news..my layouts were returned today from Cantata. YAY I have been worried about those puppies.

I spent the earlier part of today labeling my gallery with all the layouts- where they went and when I sent them. In addition to linking to the kit used and I didn't even get half of them done. But that's my goal for 2006- BE more and keep track more....

I forgot...saw Rumor Has It...gimme a break...spoiler alert but the premise is INSANE...girl goes to find dad (based on graduate) and then SLEEPS with man..i mean what if he WAS the dad? omg I hated it. Kev hated it..and the ppl next to us were freaking annoying. They had to be in our row..the whole theater was empty and we were there 20 min early and then they are pushing past us...and then they whip out bowls to SHARE the popcorn and there is a seat btwn me and this guy and he throws his coat over the railing in front of us and then they start tossing their garbage on the seat btwn us and they keep hitting me. So I held my arm in front of me the WHOLE time. LOL And I immediately remembered why I watch movies in the privacy of my OWN home...cheap food...good surround sound and large screen tv with PAUSE -what more can you want????

And what the crap is it with previews? Either they are so freaking scary at a kids show that your kids are screaming (cause they are adult shows) or they show us Ice Age on ours...makes so stinking sense to me. A funny..this couple comes in with their kid and I am thinking they HAVE to be in the wrong theater..she's like 5. The show starts and gets a bit raunchy and sure enough they hightail it out of there. I am sure that the Ice Age preview confused them a bit. ;)

Nothing more to say so I'll say goodnight gracie (george burns) for now. Let's be careful out there (remember Hill Street Blues?)


Sneaky Peeky for my peeps

:) I will share...the first is NOT a kit..just a teaser...

So the next layout was done using Annette's Diva sketch. Yummy. I've been wanting to try the different title like that for a bit!

I used our new upcoming kit for Feb- Tainted Love :) I loved that song in the 80's.

I didn't even use the whole kit yet...all the yummy's are still there (a love wood word and coaster). So I have enough to do a 2nd layout!

And I just counted up my layouts for 2005 and I did 129 layouts. That's not half bad at all is it? I am very proud of myself and hope to do MORE for 2006.

Here ya go..I've tormented ya enough now haven't I? I have some march kits on my desk that you *might* get a sneaky of if you bug me enough!

As a quick aside...Bonni has been non-existent since she's been home so I've been teasing her and today her dh was fixing the fan. Well I wasn't thinking and told her to go help her dh hang the fan. Which is what my mom started calling ahem something else here..so it was QUITE funny to say that to Bonni who started laughing. Of course only Bonni and I would laugh that hard at that. :) Here ya go...there's my Techno McDreamy..isn't he handsome? I love those blue eyes and that smile! I should go turn on my fan ;) I added the sticker letters and chipboard heart only (the kit has a chipboard coaster and a wood word (love))

New Year's Pictures

Here's a few New Year's photos..I went to bed at 11:20pm :) Big partier that I am!

Me with my wild hair and in my pjs LOL and my honey!

The kids were up partying until 1am - they tried to stay up for Hawaii new year but they didn't quite make it (That would have been 4am) Can you imagine how nasty they would have been the next day? ROFL

Aren't they the cutest things ever? You should have *seen* the confetti all over the floor and M's joy at being able to use gunpowder poppers :) Typical boy!

I heard Dick Clark on the tv..how sad and yet poignant when it rang in the new year they cut to him kissing his wife and then left them alone!

Happy 2006 to all of you!

Ho Ho Ho Merry KISSES

Yep that is how our little one says it. It's so stinking cute but you know...not so much so when it's like a week past xmas. :) And of course she's been saying it all morning as she is handing me another ornament from my tree. I am about to scream. I will SO be taking these decorations down this weekend.

I have cute photos from New Year's on my camera...hopefully I can upload them in a bit. And I scrapped! I did it :) At mom's I did 5 layouts and then did an adorable one on Monday while hanging out with Kev. I moved my scrap stuff from the living room (just temporarily and only part of it) to the KITCHEN so I don't have to be alone while I scrap and can still see what's going on. YAY SO I did an awesome layout of Anna with Blitzen stuff from Basic Grey. I just adore their stuff...I grab three patterns and 10 min later have a kick butt layout (with my sketch help ;)

I even did the matchbook album and am going to mount it on the main xmas pages. I think I am overcompensating for our sucky xmas last year (no ornaments on the tree...everything down quickly due to house on the market, etc) I have layouts with the same photos for all three kids books. Then again events pages tend to be re-created for all the kids. I don't want fighting when they are grown over who gets *what* layout.

Technique Tuesday stamps- so totally cool...we did a preorder and got a bunch in and I am loving them so much better than my foam stamps. Too kewl. For my loyal customers I did pick out ALL the feb kits and even a bunch of March stuff. Maybe I'll scrap with March stuff and put a sneak peek up here later this week.

I worked from 10am-4pm in the store yesterday cleaning it and picking kits and packing orders. Today I am taking OFF to scrap hopefully - although Anna is being a beast....and trying to power my laptop down. So any orders placed before Tuesday will ship on Thursday. I have another batch of orders to pack and will work on that this week :)

Ok time for me to sign off...pictures later I promise!!!!