
Bonnaroo I sure LOVE YOU

I'm a poet and I didn't know it. Seriously folks...she's the biggest doll who *ever* lived...the day she joined my site was the luckiest day in the world for me.

It's like she said on her blog..you meet someone and just click...I mean it was like that from day 1 with us. She was a scream on the phone and we were lucky enough to meet up soon after...and it means so much to me that my bestest friend (next to Kevin) is someone that isn't just an internet friend (although I have close friends that way too). :) We've gone through quite the year together and it's only made us closer friends. She's the sister I begged my dang mom for - for like years....and I adore her. And hey she's married to Sargent McDreamy so that ain't half bad either.

Here's our horrid ROCK ON DUDE picture together. She is gonna get it when her family comes in for vacation this summer...I'm keeping my camera at the ready at ALL times ;)

Love you sweetheart..thanks for being such an AWESOME friend! *hey Kathy..see my curly hair. :) It's really LONG now :) Best photo of me for now

Ipods, kits and bone tired

Ok maybe not in that order.....today I dropped the pip squeak off at her Nana's house to play. She had a blast playing there all day. She'll cry and give me a hard time when I leave and then she rules the roost. I heard that Tom woke up and played with her, let her feed the fish and she had a great time.

Me I had every intention of heading to exercise class but I am like a child who is ADHD when it comes to that...so I just ignored that and worked all day on picking kits and packing the Design team kits and orders. Oy vey. Took me til now to get done. But at least January is ready to ship in a day or so. But tomorrow I am so excited I am CLEANING this pig sty if it kills me. And I realized belatedly that we have Messy Masterpieces tomorrow am...A loves that class..it's Miss Cathy this and Miss Cathy that. :)

I flooded our gallery at ScrapAddict with the 35 layouts I did..felt good to upload them so I can maybe get them in albums sometime this year. Hopefully. I'll leave you all with another sneak peek..this time of a Feb kit. Ooh la la :) My week appears to be pretty boring as yet...I'll have to update after mom's big housewarming. Uncle Ron is in...it'll be good to see him again. Gosh I better clean..he's IN. Yikes...ok now I am fretting over this...you *know* my neighbors ONLY ring that doorbell when the house is at it's groddiest...why is that?

Ok and if any of my peeps are reading this....welcome to Jess and Tammy on our altered DT... see I can be sneaky when I want to be (it's easier when Freak isn't around scouting out things going on ;) COME BACK FREAKIE it just ain't the same without you there!

Peace out folks....more from me in a sec.

2 Know me is 2 Love me

Okay so Bonnaroo made me do this...and Annette threatened Bonnaroo although if I have to say that sweet thing wouldn't threaten anyone...so alas here I am! Bonnaroo you forgot Bonehead and Dodohead

2 - names you go by: Can I do it by decade? ;) Felicia, Fee, Sue (don't ask...:), Fish (teenage years...yuck), Licia (when I met Kev..didn't stick), Hey you, Mom, Tom's Sister, leesha, bitch, meanie (anna calls me this a lot) Dododhead (thanks auntie Bonni!)
2 - parts of your heritage: Good thing there are only TWO parts: Italian (the one I identify most with. Sicilian to be exact and Polish.
2 - things that scare you: being in the house alone and death
2 - of your everyday essentials: my laptop and phone calls from Bonehead
2 - of your favorite bands or musical artists: Dave Matthews Band and Weezer
2 - favorite songs: Hollaback Girl and One Sweet World
2 - things you want in a relationship (other than real love): well I already have a great relationship ;) So um good times and laughter, honesty, hot romance...etc
2 - physical things that appeal to you (in the opposite sex): Smile for sure and eyes...Kev has the bluest eyes
2 - of your favorite hobbies: Cooking and scrapbooking...acting, singing, reading....
2 - things you want really badly: um to be thin? and Bonni's dh to be home safe please!
2 - places you want to go on vacation: Hineysville, Jorjaw..and um the east coast! Rhode Island
2 - things you want to do before you die: get two rockers- one for me and bonni and we'll chew the fat when our teeth fall out. :) And um travel the world maybe.
2 - ways that you are stereotypically a chick: My emotions for sure and um my tata's (as gram would say)
2 - things you are thinking about now: nothing much since anna is literally sitting on my head pulling my hair and um sleeping
2 - stores you shop at: baby gap and um scrapaddict :)
2 -people I would like to see take this quiz: Mom since she accidentially got a blog and Tom since he should do it too!


What I did on my Summer vacation

Ok really it's not summer but more of a fall vacation...anyway we left while I was sick...got there and Katie got sick and then Kev on the way back..but somewhere along the way I- yes me- did 35 layouts! I am so proud of myself....it's so hard to find scrapping time here when I am home. I've uploaded and probably broken the gallery by now but there are two that aren't out for public eyes...sneak peeks if you will of our upcoming kits. I'll share ONE today. Hahaha
Look at her...my newest favorite layout!

Isn't he adorable? This is the sneak peek!

Fee Needs

Ok I am stealing this from Bonni who stole it and so on... I tried Fee Needs but it thinks I am a fee :) You can't afford me so don't even think it!

Here's my 10 Felicia Needs...pretty funny!

1. I am glad to answer your emails.I'll email back and forth as long as you need.... Felicia's Originals. See some of my creations

2. Felicia needs a friend, an ally, if she is to put up a fight and escape beingdevoured -- and she gets one. This ally takes the improbable form of the ...

3. Felicia needs him to help search for her Johnny, and to feed and shelter her.We do manage to get inside the heads of both of these characters, ...

4. Felicia needs to finish her probation without tardiness or ... Felicia needs tocommunicate better between herself and the other ...

5. Felicia needs her head examined. Any woman who would put up with the disrespectand general meanness that Mac shows her deserves as little as she is getting ...

6. Felicia needs - needs some answers, and needs them now! Felicia needs - to finishher probation without tardiness. Felicia needs a friend, an ally, ... (seems to be a trend eh?)

7. Of course, Felicia needs companionship, and that is exactly what Hilditch brings.Egoyan's script gives more layers to the characters here than there are in ...

8. Figuring your fiber needs: by Felicia Busch, MPH, RD, FADA, LN. (how true)

9. not sure when i’ll return (it could be a week, it could be a month), however,this pooped out girl needs rest and lots of quiet. ...(but of course see #8- fiber and pooped...)

10. With her reputation and confidence on the line, the every-savvy Felicia needs towatch her every step to successfully get through this controversial case ...


Grey's Anatomy- *sigh*

I mean come on - need I say more? It's great! The drama and twists and turns. :) Dr McDreamy is just that. Speaking of McDreamy...my dearest friend Bonnaroo is married to *the* dreamiest man alive - next to mine :) I call him Sarg McDreamy (poor guy!) Here's his picture!

He's got the hardest job in the world- serving in Iraq for the US....aren't they the *cutest* couple? You can totally tell he adores her which makes him all that and a bag of chips.

As for my own McDreamy? I call him Techno McDreamy....and I adore this photo I just uploaded from our vacation. Look at those baby blues and that hint of mischief. Fantasic!

Just another manic Monday...

Except it's not that manic I guess :) The rain was falling as I woke up this am. I hate rain in the winter....cause it's cold and dreary and just BLAH. I love when my 10yr old dd hands me papers from school 1 min before she's to leave. Turns out she's in a fundraiser and all monies to be turned in TOMORROW for the American Heart something or other. Oh man! So I tell her that um thanksgiving would have been an *awesome* time to ask for donations...but we'd try. LOL The 7yr old ds hands me one sheet reminding me his paperwork for this fundraiser is due but he's never given me the original sheets. Kids!

So I suppose since I mini-complained about dh last time I should um maybe praise him a bit? He taught me this weekend how to hang blinds..so I was at Mom's house one whole day working my tail off helping her get the house set up more. I say more because when she moved in I killed myself over 2 days unpacking her. Now her housewarming party is coming- this Sat and I am working like a dog again getting pictures hung, etc. So I hope that the cake she is ordering says: HAPPY BIRTHDAY. It is my bday next week. Sigh 34. Yuck.

Why the stress? Well that little business..the one that would be my hobby seems to be doing me in! Seriously...subscription is getting bigger and bigger- nearing 100 and we have added two more subscriptions ( kids and altered). Do I love doing it? I don't know..I'm good at picking kits...I like that part...but sometimes everything else is overwhelming! It'd be easier if we had a brick and mortar location with employees to help pick up the slack. Like with order packing, kit packing, paperwork, etc Hmm more food for thought.

Oh yeah..besides hanging blinds (see it really is ramblings of the inane!) Kev for xmas and my bday (and my anniversary) Happy Annibirthmas! - got me an Ipod..the new one....with video and all this other stuff..but truly I just wanted HIS ipod...minus most of his music (Rush- puleeze). So he was nice enough (puleeze again the man was getting a brand new ipod -snicker) to delete his music base and fix mine up. You should have seen me jamming around the house with my headphones on (oops his..I stole his cause they were nicer).

So we celebrated 11 years on 11/13. Sometimes I think rut and then sometimes he surprises me so much. My Annibirthmas got more gifts this year. He got me the hallmark ornaments I wanted (yes I wrote buy or die on the catalog ;) and then I was telling him on the day before Turkey day that I have asked for 11 years for pots and pans with nary a one given. And the sweetheart actually bought me some...I have no idea why..just because I guess....

And the biggest reason I adore my dh? This year after complaining about 10 tubs of xmas stuff to drag upstairs actually set up the larger tree with the kids. He knows it's my most FAVORITE time of the year and he never helps with the tree...so I about cried when I saw it. awwww......after all these years...he's still the ONE! I mean without a doubt the one who does it for me. None of us are perfect but he's absolutely perfect for me. I love you babe!


You have got to be kidding me?!

Ok so it took me an hour! to get this far and I can't get my photo into my profile..instead it's larger than life in here. LOL Well I'll get the hang of this eventually right? I have one annoyed person on my left looking over my shoulder sighing loudly every two freaking seconds and another one at my other side saying...Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy...candy, candy, candy, candy? And then climbs on my keyboard to ask why not. Um it's 10:20 pm that's why - go to bed. It's up to you to figure out which is my 2 year old and which is my dh!

Off to figure out more photos....
Here is a recent layout....of my three darlings. :) The 100% spoiled refers to being able to be their mom! aww...

Just Fee!
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