
well it's official

no matter what I do I can't get the *(&%&% image uploaded..something is odd in Denmark...so you get me in all my glory writing. BORING ;) Bonni said she couldn't believe I updated....HA she never does her blog.....

I cleaned my scrap desk this past week...got a big ol box to donate and labeled everything. Did that stop me from loading up on new stuff? Heck NO...I've got Basic Grey, Cosmo Cricket and Heidi Swapp filling my drawers..it's all so pretty. Anna has her own drawer now and loves to "scrap" with me. She told Jess- scrapping makes me happy.... LMBO The kid has got it honestly at least!

She's SO funny lately. I mean just so much fun to be around. Knock on wood she's in her own room after I lay down with her at night and mainly sleeping mostly through...the sleep for ME is amazing. I'm much nicer to be around! ;)

Ok this blows..come on admit it..no photos...man I am steamed....and I don't know how to fix it....I'm hitting the dumb image button..but nothing! Nada, zip...Kev won't look at it I bet...hmm

Has it been that? long????!

I mean long enough that your friends and family email you and tell you- um update the blog dangit LOL I've been busy ok? I mean truly busy....July was jam packed with one thing or another! Then we caught our breath in August and I swear it's almost over!!!!!

I'll try and upload some photos of the things we've been doing. Just wrote this whole thing about adopting and decided to erase it...when I have something to say I'll say it enough said!

Ok so what have we been up to? Well Kev's mom got out of the nursing home- YAY to her..months ahead of schedule and she's walking with a walker! So we saw them in the beginning of August..and then we went to the Tall Ship Festival..what a wonderful day. I'd advise skipping eating on Navy Pier- rip off city....but the festival was so nice...and then the kids literally played for 3 hours in a fountain in a free park right in front of Navy Pier..they loved it!!!!!
Ok so I am remembering why I didn't update..I was doing this before and the dang thing would not load my images! So it's happening again..will try one more time!!!!!
Hmm still not working..not sure what I am doing wrong....one more chance and then forgetaboutit!