
Come one, come all, new and old!

Welcome all..if you are new here...it's great to meet a new friend.  If you followed me on the other blogs or this one- I am going to try my best to be more active.  I combined FOUR blogs today into one.  Why did I not think of this sooner?  I mean really people.  Who has time to manage ONE blog let alone 4??  I took my food blog, photography blog and my type 1 diabetes blog and rolled them into my home blog.  Hope that helps people.  I thought about going through and editing out older posts but this is MY life and I'm proud of it and so dang blessed.

I have more words to type but no time.  Tomorrow I have a big meeting with my committee for my thesis and have to be ready to go over all graphs, MANOVA and stats.  But I'll be back because saturday is a bittersweet anniversary for us (1 year since Katie was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes!)

Hugs to you all....