
Meghan's Quiz

I saw this on her blog and just so she knows I read it....I'm gonna answer it! Idea is to answer it in one word answers Yeah right I didn't ;)

1. Yourself? larger than life ;)
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend? married
3. Your hair? CURLY
4. Your mother? Nana
5. Your father? dead
6. Your favorite thing? scrapbooking/family
7. Your dream last night? vivid
8. Your favorite drink? lemonade
9.Your dream car? mine (clean ;)
10. The room you're in right now? family
11. Your fear? death? Spiders?
12. What you want to be in 10 years? alive
13. Muffins? Blueberry
14. Who you hung out with last night? Kev
15. What you're not? dishonest
16. Time? almost 8pm
17. What you're wearing? Pjs
18. Your favorite weather? Fall
19. Your favorite book? romance
20. Last thing you ate? sundae
21. Your worst vice? food
22. Your best friend is? bonni
23. What you're thinking about right now? pain (anna is brushing my hair!)
24. Your car? dirty
25. Your life? busy


Two parties in one day

what was I thinking??? I mean seriously...we did Mikey's friend party at Cici's pizza in the am...lots of little boys all rambunctious...demanding more quarters for the arcade games LOL And then Katie's friend party at the Y in the late afternoon...20 kids invited..over half didn't show or RSVP...but the 7 there had a roaring good time. We laughed so hard at them. They smeared frosting on each other's faces...ran around squealing and had a good time. 12 yr olds are FUN :)

But I had a migraine on Sat and couldn't even concentrate at all and didn't get any scrapping done. Then sun we hit the flea market for the furniture for the store...unfortunately it sold while we were at a breakfast there so we missed the piece by about 20 min. :( it was a sideboard that had been built into a home and salvaged...it was long enough and beautiful....mission style wood..and I wanted it for our crop area...oh well...I did get our soda wooden holder for the paint like I saw in Scrapbooks, Etc...can't wait to see all this stuff together!

The new ScrapAddict

and improved right? ;) The far away photo was for someone who wanted to see the whole center..this is the back..there is an almost fully occupied front part to this building with a service hallway between us all :)
Our new address will be 13717 S Route 30, Suite 147, Plainfield, IL 60544. We won't have phone service til June 28th but then it will be 815-609-5955
I can't wait until the build out is done. We have the *best* contractor- his name is Joe Resendiz and he owns Build All Construction so if you are in the area and need a home built or any project commerically or privately let me know! I highly recommend him!

She is TOO funny

I think that Mikey and Anna give each other a run for their money....but lately she's taken to leaning over when I snap a picture with the camera..all because I am leaning over and turning the camera to the side for a long shot....and then she laughs hysterically. So I snapped the photo...but of course :)
Here is the layout from that photo that cracks me UP!

Never a dull moment

I'm going to skip ahead a bit and then skip back but this photo SO ties into the eye doctor trip ;) One day K mentioned that she couldn't see....out of one eye at all and then of course the boy had to get in on it too right?
So I called immediately because it's not normal to see nothing out of one eye when the other is covered. Turns out they BOTH needed glasses...nice screening at school...we took them about a year ago for an actual exam but hadn't been back. Anyway M was being driven to school and I didn't want him to get out without knowing someone and I asked if he knew that boy up ahead and he said..well I can't SEE him so how would I know (thereby reminding me I hadn't made an appt yet) - silly boy!

But while we were in there the doctor was laughing his head off because the two kids were goofing off (not the oldest as a hint ;) And Mikey was acting like a holler monkey as Anna said and then he was pretending to be one and then Anna started telling me that you could rip off your skin and drink your blood (what the HECK???!) so I was like..what??! and she says..it's true Daddy said you could! I said that he was in big trouble when we got home...and the doctor says..wait you were here with someone last time....who was it....and i said my husband and he said...life is certainly not dull at your house is it? Um ya think???!

Here are my stinkers :)

Poor Unfortunate Soul

pretty sad when that is the common theme of my blog these days! But the good news is that our store blog is up and will be revealed shortly!!!!

I do have some news to share..we are moving the store out of the basement and into a brick and mortar location by the end of July...that sentence alone causes great fear and strikes me mute.

But I am happy as a clam when I don't think too much about never seeing my kids again ;)

At least the store is only 5 min from my house and I *think* I found an employee for the lovely daytime hours I needed so I can sneak away and get hugs and kisses...unless of course we've scared her off!
The picture at right was an awesome one i just happened to snap at the zoo with the kids....it's time for catch up :)

Katie did *awesome* with her speaking part in the play for school. We were amazed because she was sure she would not have gotten a speaking part. It was for drama club and they took auditions from kids in 6th-8th grade...and all the kids who got speaking parts were ones mainly older w/the exception of a few from Katie's track! WTG kids! I don't know that I like how old she looks with stage makeup on...people kept saying how she looked like Sandra Bullock. Oy vey.

Does that mean she's marrying a tattoo'd man? :wink: Here she is with her proud Grandma and Nana...they both had tears in their eyes!