
The Long and Short of it ;)

Well it's been awhile and I had my hair straightened for a day the other day (verdict was no one really liked it) Anna hated it btw :)

I kinda like it more curly too I guess but it was fun and glamorous for a bit. I hated having it fly around my face though :) LOL With curls it usually stays mostly where you put it. :)

I am behind in posting things so I will share one more CHA photo of me, Amy and Liz :)

And then maybe a few of my recent layouts...haven't been scrapping too much.
But at least you can see I still do scrap on occasion ;)Using KI Memories Pet shop line..loved it :)
Using an upcoming kit for ScrapAddict :)
Using the new American Crafts papers -which we carry at ScrapAddict.com Love them- very festive. And the layout is about how close Anna got to Uncle Ron....he was her GOto boy ;)


Yep that is what it costs for K's upcoming field trip...gimme a break..that's a lot of MONEY. I know I sound whiny but hello....for Medieval Times....and a history unit. Give me a break :)

'nuff said!

Time Flies....

but at least the xmas tree is DOWN....not in the basement - in front of the fireplace but DOWN nonetheless :)

I've been neglectful of my baby....I'm so sorry...People pester me all the time to update but I have no energy. Lost my mojo.....ha

What's new around here? I flew to CA for the CHA convention. I had a most excellent adventure...Felicia and Kim's ;) Kim is stunning in person and TALL....or maybe I'm a shrimp...yeah I know which one she'd say. Where else could you hang with another grown woman at Build-A-Bear and have a blast???? Seriously I laughed and laughed some more the whole trip. Yeah we worked...did CHA in one day...who the heck thought up that agenda (Fee- you idiot)- hey I can yell at myself ;) Wond

Needless to say that this summer we are doing it in 3 days probably. And we've already booked our hotel. Thank the good LORD.

While I was away it turns out Laura got older and got ENGAGED...that is so exciting to me. :) It couldn't have happened to a luckier girl!

I've been blah...could be the weather, my dad or a combo of both. My brother is getting ready to move out to the city- and I am going to miss the turd...amazing but true. I told him how much I admire and am proud of him and of course Mom had to ask if she was dying (haha)

(Notice our THUMB rings? Kim has brought me over to the dark side :) I love mine though..should have bought 2 sets...Kim you still have her info?????!)

But I do. I've asked him to take our kids if something happens to us. I've changed my mind on this about 2 times in the past...but I immediately thought of Tom....he's settling down and is a good person and would take these rugrats on no problem.

Back to CHA-left is a photo of me and Mom and friends Peggy and Cathy- I've known them since I was a kid..it was because of Peggy that we had a place to stay..so thank YOU!
More from me in a bit!