
Poor Unfortunate Soul

pretty sad when that is the common theme of my blog these days! But the good news is that our store blog is up and will be revealed shortly!!!!

I do have some news to share..we are moving the store out of the basement and into a brick and mortar location by the end of July...that sentence alone causes great fear and strikes me mute.

But I am happy as a clam when I don't think too much about never seeing my kids again ;)

At least the store is only 5 min from my house and I *think* I found an employee for the lovely daytime hours I needed so I can sneak away and get hugs and kisses...unless of course we've scared her off!
The picture at right was an awesome one i just happened to snap at the zoo with the kids....it's time for catch up :)

Katie did *awesome* with her speaking part in the play for school. We were amazed because she was sure she would not have gotten a speaking part. It was for drama club and they took auditions from kids in 6th-8th grade...and all the kids who got speaking parts were ones mainly older w/the exception of a few from Katie's track! WTG kids! I don't know that I like how old she looks with stage makeup on...people kept saying how she looked like Sandra Bullock. Oy vey.

Does that mean she's marrying a tattoo'd man? :wink: Here she is with her proud Grandma and Nana...they both had tears in their eyes!

1 comment:

Carolyn F said...
