
Owl Pellets

Yes I said Owl pellets - or more appropriately puke. I dissected some last year in Bio..and brought the skeleton home for the kids. They promptly thought it was the *coolest* thing evah and asked to bring it to school. I emailed the teachers first lest they thought my kids were killing animals :)

So when we were at the Museum (where we have that membership- so 10% off in gift shop too...score) I picked up three Owl pellets. Little did I know that K would have no desire to look at them But of course. But M's friend was over so they all worked together on them. They even provided a little chart to determine what bones they are....it occupied (as AG would say) them for a good long while.

Then we took the kids to the Milwaukee Public Museum....it had *the* best butterfly exhibit ever....a butterfly area where thousands are in there and bred. They fly free around you. Otherwise it was a quarter of the size of the MSI in Chicago and not as nice at all. But we also got Kopp's custard and their YUMMY burgers- so hey- not a bad trade off right????!
Everyone is sort of settling into their routine. AG is having a hard time with the fact that school is 7 days a week and goes for hours at a time. She started by crying her eyes out the first days..and has bad days still. She thought that since she was off on Monday (Labor day) that meant she went NO more mondays..poor dear.

Other than that..*I* am settling in to my 3 classes...2 have started...I go out in the field to do an experiment this thursday...and we get in boats at some point..I hope it's before November :)
Off to help the young one try her bike without training wheels :)
Peace out folks...


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