
Diabetes TrialNet- the importance of checking your other kids!

The test for Katie to see her A1c was over a $1000 USD.  So it's beneficial if you have other children to sign them up for the free test from TrialNet!

This is a study being done to see if siblings or other family members carry the autoantibodies for Type 1 Diabetes.  A sibling has a 10% increased risk for developing Type 1 Diabetes.  I saw a blog where the woman just posted that all three of her kids now have type 1 diabetes.  I had them give Mike the fasting glucose test.  But this test by TrialNet is one that will re-test him yearly for no charge to see if he develops the autoantibodies.  This is going to be important.  In return we will answer questions and he may be asked to participate in the study.  So if you have a child with Type 1 Diabetes- you or your child (cousin, nephew, grandparents, etc) may be eligible.  From their site:

Who is eligible?

Anyone between the ages of 1 and 45 years with a sibling, child or parent with type 1 diabetes.
Anyone between the ages of 1 and 20 with a sibling, child, parent, cousin, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, grandparent or half-sibling with type 1 diabetes.

Hope this helps others who are trying to navigate their way through the quicksand that is Diabetes education!

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