
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Yep it's true...AG got 7 inches cut off her beautiful head. Why? Am I nuts? I am of course nuts..that goes without saying...BUT my baby kept scratching herself - in sleep, during the day and if her nails were even a little long she'd scratch it raw...when I figured it out her back was a series of little jabs and nail marks and all red and bloody. So what's a Mom to do? I took her in finally and asked them to cut it to her shoulders. Now I did almost cry! And Katie DID cry but what can you do? She loves it shorter and still scratches her back like a cat on the carpet, bed, etc when she's getting changed but I'm hoping in time she's not doing it in her sleep anymore.

Just to be safe I switched out all of our detergents at home too and the only thing left to take out of the mix is our OxyClean which I adore...so we'll see if it works with Tide Free first!

In other news...my life.....a mess...I'm somehow the liasion for my Dad during this latest health crisis..except he's not doing well at all. He's in a nursing/rehab facility right now but is currently not making ANY sense and is kind of out of his mind and he's constantly thinking things are happening that aren't and consequently is getting up and ripping out his wound vac (he had to have a toe amputated due to a staph infection- complications from diabetes)....and then FALLING..thankfully he's only ripped open skin at this point..but my gosh!

Anyway I never realized how hard it is to manage someone's healthcare with no advance directives..with only a POA document he signed upon going into the hospital 2 mos ago and that I still haven't seen...and being 6 HOURS away (12 hours round trip)...we are making another trip out to his place this weekend to deal with all of this..and I might have to retain an attorney now. I'm so annoyed. He hasn't payed any bills (i'll be doing that) and all this other stuff.

My brothers have been as helpful as they can be...but when dad's lucid he demands I handle it all..not them. Annoys me to death too.

Anyway if I am not around that is why. It sucks up every minute it seems...I'm either on the phone...or getting called or emailing my family updates...scary when you have to say update #2 and list a date. *meaning multiple updates throughout the day*

And this past weekend Kev's company rented out Six Flags...it turned out to be a beautiful day for going...the kids all got to ride on rides..AG went on her first roller coaster- the kiddie one and hated it...pretty funny considering she only wanted to ride the batman adult one :) But she loves rides....and kept saying that was most awesome or GUACAMOLE (short for Holy Guacamole!)

She also was too funny at Scarf and Barf after (Steak and Shake LOL)- she asked her daddy for some Uglin Rings...(onion rings- she calls onions UGlins) and he said I thought you didn't like Uglin's...and she told him..Daddy (patiently like explaining it to the simple minded LOL)- I don't like Uglins but I like uglin rings...makes perfect sense to me!

Katie went on big roller coasters....I refused to let her go on Superman and Viper and a few others but she did the Eagle, Whizzer and some Cajun one. Fun..she's a thrill seeker..must get that from her Uncle Tom. I went on more rides than I ever have and my neck hurts to prove it but I hate coasters!

Mikey is just like me..nothing too spinny or roller coasters and the poor guy was too TALL for the kid rides so he was bummed out.

Here ya go with some photos! :)
Doesn't even seem too short now does it? But it is! :) Ok I had two more to show ya but you'll have to see em scrapped..stupid blog....I'm about to switch to a PAID one if this keeps up....
Anyway the one was of anna putting her hand in front of my camera telling me NO more pictures LOL and the other was a group shot of the kidlets :)


Laura said...

Anna looks adorable with her short hair!
Hope things work out well (and soon!) with your dad! I've seen my mom go through what you are (sort of) and it's amazing what you learn!
Good luck!

Carolyn F said...

Six flags sounds like great fun! Best of luck with your dad... it sure sucks to be the grownup sometimes!