
Tag I'm It - it appears

Ok so I've been tagged from Carolyn - These are the rules.... each player starts with 7 random facts about themselves on their Blog. People who are tagged need to blog 7 facts about themselves and post the rules as well. At the end of their blog list 7 people you are tagging. Let them know that they are tagged by leaving them a comment. So, time for my 7 random facts:

1. I love to color...always have..but I am super anal about it..no one is allowed to draw on my page and I always sign my initals and date :)

2. My friends called me Fish (shortened for Felicia) in High school..while it was cool to have a nickname I hated it..much prefer the Fee my friend Lucy (who has the cutest irish lilt) gave me!

3. I like to dip my french fries in milkshakes!

4. I acted in musicals in grade/high school having the lead in a bunch!

5. I'm terrified to fly- anywhere- even now!

6. Kevin and I met online- before there was a WWW or internet really!

7. I was born with six fingers on each hand.

I tag: Bonni, Jess, Catherine, Cynthia, Kim, Meghan, and anyone else who hasn't done this yet! Consider yourself IT!


Unknown said...

hee hee...Fee, my girls love to dip their ff in their milkshakes! And I'm another colorer...love to color, have my own crayons and books and I don't share with anyone!

Emma said...

Well you already know I like to dip my fries in my milkshakes! Interesting to know the 6 finger thing.

Carolyn F said...

Charles & I met on the internet as well in 1995... and how interesting about the six fingers!

Anita said...

I hate it when people color on my pages, too. Grrrr. Get your own page!

The Mom said...

OK well I tagged you again!! :)