
21 years?

I was at an awesome play this past weekend- Singin' in the Rain (my first time seeing it- never saw the movie)- and my good friend Tom made an offhand remark that instantly made me feel old....me old...I know I am still 19 in my head! :) We were reminiscing and I hadn't seen him in years.....same old Tommy though ;) And he said that he had figured out with Erica (another old friend who is in the same musical) that we had all starred in King and I 21 years ago. Nah that's not possible.

I mean it. :) I know K is just 13 and so realisitically it makes sense but man alive..we are officially old. Speaking of being a teenager....she had a boy/girl party here on Friday...the kids are all so good and well behaved....it's SO nice. And at the end of the party I guess her friend N asked her out..via another boy. LOL oh it's so middle school isn't it? I guess it means that they are not going anywhere (another novel concept to me) and it's just a label. Ok. Deep breaths...I knew it was bound to happen at some point. But I know I just was pregnant with that one.

What else is new? It's time for a career change...I need to accept the fact that the economy is not going to be good for a few years and get out when I can. So big changes to my life and store coming soon. And in that vein...I am headed to the local college here today to meet with an advisor..if all goes well I will be college bound again.

I had gotten my BA in Elementary Education geez in '94 but it's time for a new degree..I was never happy with my major....I always wanted to be a lawyer or something else and that "something else" is what I am reaching for now.

In other news:

K turns 13 (as mentioned above)
M is turning 10...double digits...he's giving me fits this year...homework has been a continual struggle and his lack of remorse at getting bad grades or even leaving whole sections (the essay ones) blank is not a concern. I hope he outgrows this preteen stuff and soon.
AG is doing great...she's heading to Kindergarten in the fall and asks everyday if we are going to the school today? Poor kid..it's gonna be a long summer.

The pool is officially open at our house and the kids bday party will be on 6/21 in case I forget to invite anyone..bring your suits.....

Darwin is such a good puppy..omg I mean it..and I am NOT a dog person (If I keep repeating it maybe he will believe me ;) He's sleeping right now....

We head to San Diego this weekend and I want to show the kids where we got engaged- Harbor Island Sheraton Hotel in the SWIMMING pool of all places......I'm looking forward to unwinding and to FLYING somewhere for once. In the fall we head to see Maria and Brad (kev's friends) and then to see Bonni in August...I am so excited...and the best bonus is I get to meet one of my dear online friends Shelli when we are out in NC. :)

Busy summer for us...I added a slide show and am going to add one of my recent pics...we'll keep in touch hopefully more this summer!

Miss all my friends...hopefully things will be hectic in a better, more productive way soon!



elizabeth, eliza, liza, liz, elles, etc. said...

Ah! I finally made it to your blog!!! I miss the store. already.

Joy Hollingshaus said...

Hi Fee: Hope you've had a great time in San Diego. Our Florida vacation ends tomorrow at 6:00 AM -- when our flight leaves. Can't wait to get up at 2:45 A.M.! See you soon at my favorite scrapbooking store!