
How to Get through Customs with no worries

It's true..you CAN upon entering our country again get past US Customs with nary a worry. But how do you ask? Well you need my secret weapon. :) A little background..we went to Carlsbad to an exclusive resort this summer for vay-cay with the kids. The resort was beautiful but our highlight of the trip was a tour to Ensenada Mexico! I loved it there..the culture and the street vendors...omg everything about it...don't be surprised if I move there to work in a pharmacia ;)

Mikey wanted a shark's tooth necklace..try asking for that in spanish A cool little store called Coyote off the beaten path actually had it! I loved that little store!!!! Anyway he roped me into this HUGE sombrero. And then the next vendor told me he needed a poncho. Ok so there is my kid looking more Mexican than American and carrying his dad's new GUITAR. He looked like a freaking mariachi player. And when we walked into customs...with this boy in a sombrero as big as his body and this poncho strumming a guitar..well the WHOLE building basically broke out into La Cucaracha and waved us through laughing the whole time. What did Mikey say when they asked his name? OMG you'd have died laughing ...proudly he said: Mi Llamo Miguel. I was like....Michael knock it off. LOL

Have I mentioned how much I love and adore this kid????!!!!

1 comment:

Laura said...

What a riot!!! I'm so glad you had such a great time! You needed it and deserve it!!!!!