
Happy Mother's Day

I wanted to take a super quick minute to wish everyone out there a wonderful mother's day. To people wanting to be mothers- may your wishes come through even if it seems unobtainable...to those who aren't mothers yet and to those who are. :)

And I'll close with this: Every year I have the same discussion with my dh:

Me: Did you buy the cards yet?
Kev: For who?
me: For Julie (birthmom) and your mom?
kev: No- you get them
Me: Sigh

why do I sigh? Because every year I get NO card or one ripped out of a notebook or he buys one the day before and then *I* have to buy everyone else's cards. It seems a simple task...but it annoys me and it's difficult although I provide GREAT amusement to those at the store. And every year he tells me..you are not MY mother...jerk..hello i am your kids mother....you need to set an example.

so this year I tell him no gifts..because he just this week had them install a dvd player in the car- yes! Finally no talking from the kids as we drive LOL

so anyway I go to the store...what to buy? Not too sappy as kev hates those...the bmom card is troublesome..they don't have- thanks for not aborting me..and the mother ones are too sappy..like a mother - well she is technically his mother ya know? So we finally settle on an ambiguous card. :) His mom..well the one I ALMOST bought- dear mom.....I hope god answers all your prayers this mothers day- had me peeing myself....we all know she prays regularly to DIE...great...that one was almost purchased. Finally settle on a nice one for his mom..and I get home..to the following conversation:

Kev:: where are those cards
me: On the buffet table
kev: Which one is whose? omg it's $4 - that's not julie's? That's expensive
me: I don't look at the price dingbat..if you don't like them - we say this every year- go buy your own cards next time..it's hard enough if i am reading them




Anita said...

I have the same damn problem with John. If I don't buy a card, it doesn't get bought. Men. They are so helpless. Why do we put up with them again? It sure isn't for the sex!

Carolyn F said...