
a HA the wedding pics

of course part of my week...here's just a glimpse:

1. The laser printer breaking when I had 50 boxes to label that HAD to ship
2. Me throwing a hissy fit at said printer and getting paper jammed.
3. Me grabbing a pen and getting it all exploded on my hands...
4. Me grabbing my head with said hands and getting it on my face- ink that is.
5. Losing my whole long post on the wedding for my blog....ARGH
6. Riss going nutso and saying she wanted to move into her own place- she can't even remember where she put something and thinks she can live alone
7. Riss trying to quit babysitting for me and yet still wanting me to pay. Um what?
8. Fixing scanner -who knew that restoring the settings after not having it scan right for months would work.

Needless to say that's why I've been so absent....that and CHA...so the wedding was so NICE. :) I got over the fact that the coordinator was SO rude to me - and luckily for her I didn't just step out of the aisle on her runner but had to WALK on it all the way down the aisle to the crying 3 yr old to get her up the aisle for the wedding. :) I apologize now to my brother and Vicky for my butt being on their video. But i did warn the videographer that I'd have to go and do it...I just KNEW.

Anna looked adorable..the kids looked great...Mikey danced the night away. What a guy..he won over quite a few ladies hearts there.

I had fun dancing my legs off..too bad we had one family member pick a fight with his mom in front of everyone....ppl just don't know how to behave. The band was awesome...and I can't wait to see the professional pics....I have a few I'll share but not today..everyone is in the pool waiting for me and the damn alarm clock that Anna set and woke me up with this am is ringing like crazy. it's this huge number from limited too that katie's friend got her for her bday. it sucks if you ask me ;) It's loud and like a fire alarm. UGH

Peace and out...one pic for ya Ok two or three :) I love them all and you'll see some on recent layouts too.......
forget it..twice now I've uploaded two things and it's disappeared....so I'll do more later!


Monica K said...

Looks like you got some great pics, Felicia! Hope your weekend is flowing more smoothly.

Just Say Julie said...

sounds crazy! but i LOVE that dress you are wearing!!

Bonni said...

Wow, never knew all the riss drama...Gorgeous photos

Jessica Bellus Photography said...

hmm.. you been busy??

dont forget to mail me those pics ;)

Ill give you a call in a few days ;) prolly monday ;)

Tell the kids I said hello! Give Anna and Katie a hug from me.. Smooches!

Bonni said...

you need to update love muffin

pixleyyy said...

Oh, looks ilke the wedding was pretty great, despite the chaos. ;)

Anita said...