
First Day of School

it went well...I was very nervous for AG....she was not happy...was "sick" last night according to her..burning up. LOL Today her stomach didn't feel well- poor baby...I bet it didn't. Last night K had a meltdown about her first day and what to wear...and then told her dad she didn't want to be 13 and get older. :( And Mikey was up at 1am because he was so excited...I don't think about going so much.....but who knows. LOL

I got some cute pics of them and the day went well. AG was terrified at school but I was upbeat and smiling and refused to "hold" her...a lot of kids were just sobbing and I told AG to tell me at least 2 good things that happened when I picked her up.

She was sure she'd have three things to tell me and she did. I was there early and got her and she was thrilled to see me. Told me she saw her brother in 5th grade and got to hug and kiss him And we ate out at her choice- Taco Bell..this kid would LIVE there if possible. And she took a LONG nap when we left..all three of mine took naps again after starting school. Let's hope the bedwetting and waking 5 times a night settles down now that it's not so scary.

I start my school on Monday..maybe I'll have the kids take a pic of me and maybe I should wake them up a few times crying about school..then have a meltdown about what to wear ;) Think the kids will laugh? ROFL

Anna's new monkey shoes :)
In other news Bonni and my cousin Anthony have dragged me kicking and screaming into myspace..which I still hate but at least I can see pics, etc but I did discover FACEBOOK and man is that place addictive...look me up there via my name and I'll add you as a friend. Lily sent me something the other day and I still can't figure out how to get it It's so EASY to use though I am loving it and it re-connected me to an old net friend who I lost when we both moved.....so it's been a great week.

My tattoo...after 2 weeks..lookin' good and NO scabbing amazingly enough!
Peace out.


Jill said...

Cute photos of the kids. Here's to a great school year!

Loreluca said...

LOVE the tatoo!!! WOWSERS, can't believe you'd go for one (the pain totally turns me off!)
Your kids are just too cute! Love the pix, they are so good!