
Supporting our Museums

It started as an innocent venture. I had to go to the Museum of Science and Industry's website to get tickets to go on this monday. By the time I added in the Harry Potter Exhibit and then movie tickets for the kids to see it with Sink's kids and Sink..I realized that we would be foolish to not just JOIN the museum for the year. It's been *years* since I've been there....before they remodeled and removed a bunch of stuff. But it was only $99? maybe a bit more for a year long membership and now I can take the kids whenever I want! I have got to go alone..with just adults though..because the kids rushed me through when I'd rather have READ the descriptions of things.

My observations:
-miss the stages of development with the fetuses..they claim they will be back

-miss the heart..what is the museum without the heart.
-miss the food area...sad it's gone.
-the castle is much smaller than I remembered as a child. The room was also darker than I remembered and I had no time to just listen.

-the place is now set up more like an amusement park...everything lets out into a gift shop..clever

-I like it..being involved in Science now...I really like our museum and they have reciprocal agreements with LOTS of area museums. I can't wait to go the the Milwaukee Public Museum..I've never been or if I have it was when I was a kid. I also can't wait for the Botanical Gardens in Milwaukee and our Morton Aboretum. If you haven't checked out our museums you should!


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