
ParTAY time!

I agree with Catherine- I should have played the Hallelujah chorus because the kids were going back to school. But this year was a bit surreal with me trying to squeeze in getting to the store. Katie was first out. What an adult now...when did she start closing her door at night to sleep? It's already begun with her. SOB But anyway she gets up at the ungodly hour of 6am to get ready for the bus. It arrives at 6:58am. I managed to straighten her hair for her and then follow her out with the camera...she wasn't that thrilled with me. :)

I took a bunch of pics and then started to get the "look". All moms of preteens know the "look". Mikey got up and was more agreeable to photos except the sun was shining bright and he squinted in almost all of them. Need to get that boy a pair of sunglasses LOL

Mikey's new school is at the end of our block..well like 2 blocks down.....you walk to the end of our street and then cross and then walk around the lake to the school. I can see it from our house but my trepidation comes from it being MIKEY who is walking himself to school with no Katie to watch him. She's my 40 yr old and Mikey is my 2 yr old kwim? Anyway we walked with him and sure enough the dude did NOT look when crossing the street. We have an added danger of a stupid traffic circle right in front of the school so if he walks safely without crossing to the crossing guard he actually has to cross TWICE over this circle (think mass confusion from vehicles) by himself. So we trained him -sort of on walking. Kev thinks I am a worrywart but even he was annoyed w/the way they placed the crossing guard. And then the next am Mikey and his friend were totally on their way and forgot to cross at all.....and had to backtrack. No I am not following him anymore. LOL Only once in a while.

So the older two went earlier than Anna..who started last week Fri for one hour (more on her in a minute). Mikey LOVED it. I had to go with him prior to his first day (full day too..no half day here this year) and meet his teacher....young and newly married...seemed nice. He came home and said his teacher is VERY nice and he loves her. YAY. Katie got home before him that day and was all angst. The school was horrible, she missed the other school, the passing period is shorter, her locker was jammed with others and hard to get to, you name it she had a complaint for it.

We told her to suck it up..that teachers will appear to be hard butts the first day and then will ease up....we mentioned making the best of it and then you'll have a good day and we talked about fixing some of the issues (I called and got her locker reassigned and let her sign up for chorus and also student council). So needless to say she loves it there now and is so happy. The girl we had issues with the last year in grade school is now her friend again...which makes me happy as that was horrific (remember I was going to school because Katie was getting threats?) Anyway school is going great for them.

That leaves the little one. My angst one for other reasons :wink: She went on Fri for one hour...we were told we'd be with her the whole time but some brainiac decided that the parents would go into the other room for a meeting...and Anna was none too thrilled with this development. We had a LONG meeting there while I worried about Anna and then it was over and I was talking with the head person and thought Kev went to get Anna (idiot ;) And he hadn't so they brought her to us since all the other kids were picked up already- WTG Parents of the year. She did ok. She didn't really talk to other kids, etc but was ok.

This week she did one hour alone and I waited in the parking lot...today is her first OFFICIAL full day where we do a drive up - drop off. Heaven help us. Getting her out of the car should be fun :)

I'll post more about her first day and our apple picking tomorrow. I'm doing better...aren't I???


Anita said...

AWwwwwwwwwww getting them all settled and happy is a chore, huh? But you are beaming, woman. I knew this business owning thing would suit you!

Carolyn F said...

They are all so cute. Glad to hear you got Katie's issues sorted out, and Anna is getting sooo big!