
Who said three is easier?

You know it dawns on me that it can also apply to the number of children I have and not just Anna's age....but I digress..which I tend to do a lot also. Besides I consider Kev a kid too so I technically have four and he's my biggest baby :)

This is one recent layout I did..I'll include another at the end as a MAJOR sneak peek if you gals are nice to me ok? I appreciate people reading my blog and I've heard from some family and friends who say they read it to keep up to date on everyone..so this will be a catch up one of sorts...yes the baby is making me nuts..she's teething and it appears that she teeths for a year for each darn tooth..it takes FORever to come in and she's a raving beast while it happens..so based on that you are correct..she's never agreeable. :) But I love her anyway. She's settling down now hopefully after no nap either. Three has been hard..she's VERY vocal btw...but a stinker too...very smart..never, ever a good combination!

A few recent Annaisms: She wanted into the bathroom where Daddy was um going...and why he thinks HE can go with the door locked is beyond me..I haven't had a bathroom experience withOUT kids since 1993! SO he refuses to open the door and Anna looks at the lock...goes to the pantry with a chair..gets a box of spaghetti out and brings a noodle to the door and pops the lock and proudly tells daddy she broke in on him. LOL He was laughing SO hard. The little imp!

She also was singing for Daddy tonight and the "guys" (k and m)...this is always bad as she sings fine...and perfectly on key...head, shoulders, knees and toes and they are all laughing and encouraging her and somewhere it goes south..to the boobies to be exact! So it becomes head, shoulders, boobies, toes. She gets a laugh and does it over and over ad nauseum. She's really into us and the family now..she likes to wake up every night and says...we are a flamily mommy- snuggle me..aww heart wrenching and yet so dang annoying to be up at 2am each night...her wall drawings have ebbed (please oh please let this stay true)....and she's talking about her painting class in a month "without you right mommy? You wait outside? I go by myself....I'm a big girl?" All said as questions ..we'll see...

Mikey- will turn officially 8 on our vacation to AZ - he's going under the water...taught himself with Katie's help a few days ago and is swimming like a fish now. He did really good in school and is getting so big!

Katie...got the excellence award from the school and the president of the US...for having a 3.5 grade pt average since grade 3....(or above..she's actually straight a's) and also for being in the 85% tile or higher on her terra nova tests...she's 11 now and boy oh boy do I feel old. :) She's still doing well in piano and swimming like a fish also.

Kevin....hey I said he was my biggest baby :wink: He's still at the same place and he also loves the pool.....he is also working out more this year :)

Me..hanging in there :)

Ok the sneak peek now!ok it's not working..maybe later BWHAHAHA

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The kids are growing up so quickly Fee! Love the layout you did here. Wow, good job to all the kids! They sound like they are having a great year. :)