
It's my party and I'll sleep if I want to

Yep she slept..I should have known and had her party at midnight when she's usually awake..she slept while the girls ran around screaming around her. We took few pics....I was SO tired and Mom didn't make it - but we visited her later that day.

Notice in our 2nd pic she has NO desire to be doing her candles and cake? Mikey and I blew out the candles..what a crabby gus. :) I'm very lucky that a good customer Scrapnsmile (Laura) is driving in from MI this weekend to help me pack kits. There might be a chance that I catch up after all ;) Tomorrow it's scrap day here..I'm not getting up til I scrap at least 2-3 pages :)
Wish me luck.


Anita said...

LUCK LUCK LUCK! :) How adorable and sad all at once to sleep through your own party. I hope you are all feeling better. Damn, woman, as much sickies as you have floating around up there, I'm afraid to visit! :P

Christi said...

Isn't she just a sweetie!!! I can't believe how big she's getting!!!

I hope everyone at your house feels better soon!!! And if I could, I'd come help ya too!!!

Carolyn F said...

Sometimes a nap beats any entertainment. Can't wait to see the layouts!

Just Say Julie said...

She looks too precious! What a gorgeous birthday dress!

Bonni said...

Looks like Jacob at one of his BDay parties...LOL!

pixleyyy said...

Guess you did great, as I love the LO's on SA.

(And too cute that she slept through her party! LOL)